Wednesday, July 31, 2013



I saw you last week and now you're gone. 

Despite everything, you held on till your sons were here. 

Now that you're gone, I can't stop thinking of you. And me. 

Will I be able to be a competent one?

Rest in peace...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Just some thoughts...




Things might not be as complicated as you allow yourself to think it is...

Monday, July 29, 2013

Journey and Destination...

A lecturer once told us:"It's not how fast you reach your destination, it's the journey that matters. You don't have to rush towards it, just enjoy the journey."

What will happen to me in 5-10 years time? Will I still have the passion? Or will I tumble and leave? Or will I step into quicksand and struggle to get out while everyone is already saying goodbye? Or will I be what I dream of, the cheerful, caring and smart one? 


Just pray that I will have the wisdom and courage to move on. 

Thank You Lord for everything :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gratitude :)

Today is the sending off ceremony of the 4th Silent Mentor Program.

I thought there'd be no emotion involvement. At least not very deeply emotional involved.

I was wrong.

While standing waiting to send off the brave silent mentors, I could not help but to think of the husband of my silent mentor from the one I had the opportunity to participate. I thought of how he smiled, talked and choked with tears in front of the camera. I thought of how he reminisced the time he had with my silent mentor. I thought of the many things on politics and life which he shared with us.

He's just a normal looking elderly uncle, with grey hairs, wrinkled face and grandfatherly smile. However, during the short time we shared with him, we learned a lot from his sharing.

Uncle, we might not meet again but I just want to say thank you. Thank you. No matter where I am, I'll keep you in my prayer. Thanks for the encouragement. Thanks for believing in us, the young ones. Thanks for everything.

Thanks :)

PS: 大家一起相处,需要把每件事算得那么清,那么楚吗?Hmmm... Anyway, here's someone's take on love, if you're free and in need of a good article to read :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Blessing :)

Everyday is a blessing :) It truly is.

Thanks to the cute old couples in the ward. Thanks to the funny auntie in the ward.

It's a blessing for me to come across people like you all in my journey towards destination.

Thank You Lord for all the blessings and the little things which make me smile :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Thanks :)

To all the lovely and helpful people I'd met and will meet, thank you :)

It's truly touching when complete strangers are willing to teach and help and share some useful tips. It may not mean much to you but it means a lot to me, a newbie and junior.

Thanks and God bless :)

Friday, July 12, 2013


Am I qualified to do what I want to do? :(

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


An 8-year-old girl and her mother were showing us photos of their visit to Kluang's UK Farm. We came across a photo of a wishing tree. So I asked the girl what did she wish for.
"I wished that I'll get well and never go to hospital again."
Both of us went silent for we knew it's not going to happen.

I wonder, when we're faced with this question, how are we supposed to answer?

There was an extremely adorable little girl. Everywhere she goes, people will wave at her and give her the sweetest smile ever.
During farewell session, she came to us.
"Kakak, nak salam."
We were so happy and gave her our hands. Then she went ahead and said
"Kakak, nak cium."
Awww... I was elated :)

There was a father who is very outgoing. He has a lot to share and he really likes to share his opinion out loud.
"Are you all medical students?"
"What year are you all in?"
"Fifth, which is our final year"
"Seriously? Why do you all look so young?"
"Haha... Thanks uncle :)"
Then he pointed at me.
"Girl, you went to express class, is it?"
"Huh? I don't look so young lah."
Then I saw this photo.

Oh boy...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Awesome Weekend :)

I had a great weekend. A weekend which I'll never trade anything for.

Being a facilitator is tiring but it's so much fun.

Being with children of the teen age group is a little awkward. Guys don't want to talk to girls, girls don't want to talk to guys. It's the awkward age-group. But it was at that time I realise that you just have to make the first move then people will support you. We may not have the best performance but it's really touching that everyone followed along, clapped and cheered for us. It's truly touching :') And I hope the kids will not be traumatised by the stage. I used to be like them, scared of the stage. Now I'm better than how I was but I still haven't reached my goal yet. I'm aiming hard for that.

Being at the beach with breeze and sunset is one of the best thing that nature can offer us. Plus, with a child who was busy filling up his tiny pail and chasing us, trying hard to splash us with sea water. It was really fun. It was really calming and I love it.

Being at a table with Prof and Dr had taught us a lot. With many sharing and advice, they offered us an insight to life and we learned a lot. I'm really touched by their willingness to share and how they really care about us the future generation. We might not be the smartest of all but we'll try our best.

Every stress in life is a motivation. Every moment in life is a blessing. Every field in medicine has its charm and I need to keep an open mind. I may hate the logbook but being with patients, learning suturing, setting line, taking blood..., those are fun.

We'll reach our destination some how. Like Dr said, it's not how fast you get to the journey, it's what you learn throughout the journey.

Many thanks to the lovely Prof and Dr. Many thanks to the children and family members. Many thanks to my fellow comrades.

I'm truly inspired and touched :')