An 8-year-old girl and her mother were showing us photos of their visit to Kluang's UK Farm. We came across a photo of a wishing tree. So I asked the girl what did she wish for.
"I wished that I'll get well and never go to hospital again."
Both of us went silent for we knew it's not going to happen.
I wonder, when we're faced with this question, how are we supposed to answer?
There was an extremely adorable little girl. Everywhere she goes, people will wave at her and give her the sweetest smile ever.
During farewell session, she came to us.
"Kakak, nak salam."
We were so happy and gave her our hands. Then she went ahead and said
"Kakak, nak cium."
Awww... I was elated :)
There was a father who is very outgoing. He has a lot to share and he really likes to share his opinion out loud.
"Are you all medical students?"
"What year are you all in?"
"Fifth, which is our final year"
"Seriously? Why do you all look so young?"
"Haha... Thanks uncle :)"
Then he pointed at me.
"Girl, you went to express class, is it?"
"Huh? I don't look so young lah."
Then I saw this photo.
Oh boy... |