Monday, March 31, 2014

Miserable Start...

It was not a very good start. 

I felt and still feel miserable.

But there's no turning back, I still have to keep my chin up and go through the next one. 

PS: Had lunch with Dr Loh and found out that they are organising a thalassaemia day again but it's a day before result day. Thalassaemia camp is my fondest memory in medical school and I really really really hope I can help out again before I leave. But how will my mood be then? Hmmm... Anyway, thanks a lot dr for the timely advise and encouragement :')

Thank You :')

Sunday, March 30, 2014


It's up. 


The final run. 

Pray that we'll all go through smoothly. 

If I'd ever offended any of you, please accept my apologies from the bottom of my heart. I'm just a normal human being, full of emotion and being led by my own principles of life. 

Thank You for bringing me this far. It's You and only You that a small, shy girl like me can go out of my comfort zone and break out of my cocoon, even just a little. Thank You :)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

2nd Last Day...

It's the 2nd last day.

And my brain is still as resonant as ever *gulp*

Praying for the best...

Thank You :')

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Journey...

Today, a dear friend had an encounter which left a deep impression in her and we talked about this journey we are on. 

I thought of the time I'd been here. I have to admit, sometimes, I did get lost, somehow. It's a constant battle between being a robot and scoring high marks in exam vs having a heart but doing average in exam. I tend to lean towards the second though some of my colleagues look down on that. 

The conversation brought me back on track though. 

I still remember once when I was in the ward till late evening. Before I left, I dropped by a Malay grandmother's room to say goodbye. She had been in the ward for almost 1 month and she missed being home for Hari Raya. Hence, she was rather upset and restless so I tried to check on her everyday. She was with her husband who dotes on her. The moment I entered, they treated me with a hearty dinner. I tried to reject but they wouldn't take "no". That was one of the fondest memories I had here. Despite the race differences, they were very kind towards me. I was truly touched. 

There was another incident whereby an elderly lady who is from Johor had to be admitted in the ward. She had no one except her daughter-in-law and 2 grandsons who couldn't accompany her during the weekdays. She told me about her illness and her lost. I couldn't bear to see her alone so I would drop by every evening before I leave to chat with her for a while. She recalled fondly of another doctor who would constantly nag her to take her medications and take care of herself (I realised later that the dr was my buddy!). Every time I left, she would thank me with the grateful look that I'll never forget. 

There was also another instant when I met this angry-looking elderly lady. She called me over and asked me to help her with her food. Then she started telling me her stories. Boy, she is such a sweet lady. Every time I passed by, she would called me over and hold my hands and before I leave, she'd give me a big hug.

There were many more instances and they will always be in my memories. Paediatric posting had been my favourite posting by far (though it's the most scary and tough one) because all the lecturers care very much for their patients. I remember how Prof Lucy will stay on till late night just to make sure her critically-ill patients are alright. She would spend hours with them and I'd never heard her complain, not even once. And of course, my dear mentor, Prof S who has one of the biggest heart on top of having a vast knowledge. 

Thanks for being an inspiration for me, my dear lecturers, my dear colleagues and all the dear patients whom I had come across throughout this journey. 

I hope I'll never forget the reason that brought me to this journey. I do not wish to become a robot. All I want is to be a competent human being with a heart. 

仁 -永远别忘了当初的初衷...

Monday, March 24, 2014

A Little Boy and I :)

Met an adorable little boy in the elevator.

Me: Where're your eyes?
Little Boy: *blink blink blink*

I melted there and then :)

Thank You :)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Roller-Coster Ride...

From derealisation

To emotional

And lastly, zombie.

Does this look like family portrait to you? It's drawn by me, again, accidentally.
It's funny yet agonising to realise that in this dire situation, I no longer think of myself. The person who came to mind frequently are my parents. It's already the last lap, I can't bring myself to let them down. I really can't... 

Friday, March 21, 2014


Will I be able to fly away in time? Or will my ill-polished wings hinder me from going to the next lap of journey?

PS: That was drawn by me, accidentally. I still don't know how a few lines became a cartoon-like thingy. 
I really don't know whether I can take it anymore. T.T

Wednesday, March 19, 2014



Will I ever make it through this...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014



远方 远方 哪里才是远方
原来爱人不在身边 就叫远方 远方

长大后谁不是离家出走 茫茫人海里游
抬起头才发现 流眼泪的星星正在放弃我
请拥抱我 万一我不小心坠落

长大后我们都离家出走 茫茫人海里游
抬起头才发现 流眼泪的星星正在看着我
他说:加油 让我为你感到光荣

雨过天晴凉凉的 我不用再担心什么
那些花都怒放了 爱人的人获得自由

我的感想 我想要的结局

Monday, March 17, 2014


I wish I were prettier, thinner, happier, more friendly, less emotional, more tan (fairer actually), more confident, and a little less awkward.

Saw this on twitter. Ouch...

Anyway, what I'd learned from recent events: Words are powerful tools, it can be used to build or destroy. Please be more considerate and ethical. 

We vaccinate for a reason. Thx to ANTI-VAX grp, now New York has outbreak of MEASLES wic considered eliminated long back. #measles #NYC

How words spread and cause fear for vaccination and endanger our children. Besides, it's a campaign run by celebrity and it's sad that people would rather listen to her and think that the heath care team are all trying to dig money out of people's pocket. You say that vaccinations are harmful but how often it is that you hear of complications? Sure, children grow up just fine without it but what if infections start to spread? Do you mind reading on herd immunity? We have a chance to help the vulnerable lots defend themselves from these disease but you'll not allow us to do so. It's not just a normal cough or cold, it's something which can kill our children. Even if it did not happen, they will be left with terrible sequelae. Is that how you protect your children? 

And there's another write-up on The Time saying that ADHD does not exist and people become reliant with the stimulants. Thanks for making people think that psychiatrists are making up diagnosis for our children. Some children do need help and it's unfair for adults to belief in words blindly and deprive our children of the chance of sorting out their issues so that they can make full use of their potential. And, oh, no, people don't consult the psychiatrist when they read the article because, as I'd pointed out, doctors are all conn men full of selfish self interest. 

Oh, you heard about the incident in which the mother passed away due to an eventful home birth? Some people are good in words and are very persuasive. It's so persuasive until one fall into their ripples of thoughts and close their heart and minds towards other advices. Everyone wants "natural". Fair enough, births are usually uneventful. But can we ever predict when will things go wrong?

Once upon a time, children passed away due to infectious disease. Once upon a time, happily pregnant mothers passed away due to birth complications. People identified these issues, studied these problems, found solutions for these avoidable deaths. However, looking at recent events, people seem to be moving backward in time by doubting all treatments and interventions and claiming physicians as money-centered who will do anything for money.   

Seeing all the articles being shared around on social network, especially those who are not in the medical field, seeing all the comments written to support these articles, seeing how they shared their bad experience in health care, seeing how they refute all the treatments and interventions, my heart really bleed. 

Arrrggghhh, I really must take a break from writing. How irony it is that whenever I'm focusing on my studies, words keep on flowing and forming sentences in my mind... Focus, focus, it's already the 2nd week... 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Then and Now...

Flashback to 2009, before I was accepted in, every time my dad drove by the hospital, I looked at it and wondered whether my application will be accepted. I longed to be in there but I had doubts as well. 

Fast forward to 2014, before the moment of truth, I find myself looking up from the books and look at the hospital right next to me and wonder whether I will be able to leave this place on time with pride. 

Another 2 weeks to go... Hoping for the best... 

Thursday, March 13, 2014






Monday, March 10, 2014


One party is relieved by the timing of the incident. The other is all tied-up because of this incident. However, when it comes to disaster or catastrophe, is there such a thing as good or bad timing? 

Everyone is edgy, no matter one is involved or not. Sooner or later, when the edginess gets to one, one either faces it calmly or converts it to anger. And that's when everyone starts blaming everyone, rumours are being spread like forest-fire and one just follows blindly without thinking twice or giving any thoughts. 

In times like this, be it skin colour, religion, race, nationality or political differences, unity is what will give us strength and comfort. 

Why don't we all just keep the finger to ourselves, put our hands together and say a prayer? Worst case scenario is to be expected but hopes and miracles are what we can hope and pray for. In the least, a comfort for the hurt and injured soul. No more speculations, assumptions and bad-mouthing as these do no good but inviting more hurt to those who are already grieving. 

Hope is a powerful thing, no matter how thin or how faint it is. Don't crush it with your inconsideration. 

Pray for MH370. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Last?

Life is too fragile. 

The minute you bid farewell, you'll never know whether it's the last. 

One says: Hug while you're able, love while you can. 

It's so easy to say yet so difficult to do. We're after all imperfect human beings, surrounded by our ego and pride. 

But what if it's the last? 

I can't imagine the emotional turmoil that the loved ones have to face in despair time like this. Pacing around impatiently, breaking down in tears, closing their eyes while saying prayers over and over again, all in the hope of seeing their loved ones again, or at least have some news about them. 

I'm sorry that this has to happen. It was only Friday night when I looked up to the sky and saw an airplane and I told my friend that I wish I'm in that plane, flying off to an unknown place, relax my body and soul, instead of facing THE final. Then the next day, I was struck with news of the mishap. 

Praying for the passengers, crews and their loved ones. Pray that you'll have the strength to go through this turmoil. Hope that there'll be news soon.  

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Ups and Downs...

There has been ups and downs for the past years.

What I'd noticed is that, whenever an up comes by, a down will follow suit.

Honestly, I'm shaking and trembling now, worrying about the all-time-low, especially at this crucial and critical moment.

What will happen in a month plus time? I have no idea.

Guess I'll find out soon.

The time has come. Ok, maybe not officially now, but it's still around the corner.

Guess what I can do now is to do my best and pray for the best...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014



静悄悄 乱纷纷
都输给了时间 却没有辜负青春

他诚恳 才不让你等
你失落了黄昏 却换来平静夜深

所谓魔鬼留下的伤横 都是天使的指纹

灯火阑珊 何必急于看到那个人
能睡得安稳都只因为 那盏还没开的灯

亮晶晶 黑沉沉

开了窗 关上门
谁给了你寂寞 寂寞还给你新生

谁的吻 都值得感恩
泪淋洗了欲望 笑却雕琢了皱纹

同时释放了你 你为何不转身

众里寻人 错爱只是为真爱作证
每次告别留下的伤痕 都是天使的指纹

你急着要看到那个人 他也在寻找你的身影

Just when I thought I knew what to expect from my favourite lyricist, he wrote this and every words and lines blew my mind away.

This is definitely one of my favourites :)