Thursday, January 24, 2013


I have to write about this. You may think that it's childish but whatever, it's my blog and my own personal thoughts. Haha...

Growing up in a family where both my parents are English-language teacher, there'll always be expectation. I tried to live up to it. People may say to me that 'hey, your english is good' but I found ti hard to accept the praises because at the end of the day, all I want is approval from my parents especially my mom who had been my English teacher for 5 years. It can be a bit ( a bit only lah because the others are way too good) heart-breaking when your mum praises the very very good students and then reads your essay and starts to comment endlessly and wonders loudly why her own daughter can't be as good as others.

After secondary school, when I was placed in another circle of students without my mum as my linguistic guidance, I was forced to stand alone. When I read what others wrote, my brain will go into autocorrect mode. I can't help it. Then my friends started to come to me for help. I offered to edit as well. 

Perhaps all these help to improve my writing. I don't know. Yesterday I read a blog post on how public view us doctors graduated from public universities. All commented badly, one even said that 'I'll avoid them like a plaque'.and another said that 'I'll force them to show me their result slips and qualifications. Even then, I'll still avoid them.' and the worst 'I'll go to those who graduated from India, Russia, Indonesia blah blah blah instead of those from local uni.' I was a bit frustrated but it won't help if I comment publicly so I send a rather long comment to my mum. At least 1 non-medical related person will understand. 

To my surprise, she asked me whether I was the one who wrote the comment as it was very good. Content and language wise. 

Finally :) But I know I'm still nothing compare to the very very good ones. At least I'm trying. Thank God :)

PS: Don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to show off. I'm just a bit excited :P

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