Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sailing :)

Today, I felt like sailing on a vast blue sea. One moment, the sea was calm and the sky was blue. The next moment, the wind was strong and it was raining with storms and thunders.

Went through gynae round. Had an enthusiastic Dr. who had shared a lot of her experiences with us. She taught us how to place ourselves in the patients' shoes so that we'll not hurt the patients. She told us that we're not here to be a doctor, we're here to be a good doctor. She told us how to put our heart in this profession and how to put in initiatives to improve our skills. She showed us that there're reasons why we do every steps and at the end of the day, everything is all about the patients and the satisfaction that we'll get from helping the patients is priceless. Thank you very much, Dr. :)

Went through surgical round with a neurosurgeon. Every one's sympathetic drive was strong and we held our breath till the end of the round. I felt really stupid and useless throughout the round. We were bombarded with questions and were asked to clerk a patient without any prior experience. I couldn't seem to recall anything that I'd read and I kept my mouth shut throughout the session. Needless to say, after the round, there were lots of comments about the dr's teaching. Ya, he was strict but I still have to thank him. Thanks for letting me know that I need to work harder. Thanks for showing me that I'm still not well-prepared. Thanks for telling us the consequences of not knowing the things that we need to know. Thanks for the lesson. I'm not going to blame him for everyone has their own style of teaching and as much as I felt uncomfortable, I did learn a few things too. I'm just going to blame myself for forgetting even after reading. For those who have lessons with him, do go well-prepared :)

We were asked to clerk a patient who is having neurological problems. He was awake but seem confused. So we took the history from the wife. While telling us the progression of his disease, the wife couldn't take it and broke down in front of us. The uncle noticed it and tried to comfort her as much as he could. No, I don't know what's wrong with the uncle since the doctor got frustrated with the way we took the history and asked us to go back to conference room. The wife is a very strong lady for she braced herself soon after she cried. I can see that they were a loving couple before the uncle was affected by the disease. Thanks uncle and aunty for showing me that true love does exist. Thanks for showing me how much someone can care for another person. I pray that God will look after both of you and though uncle may not get better, I pray that you'll keep the happy memories with you and be strong :)

Sailed through the unpredictable sea and I'd reached the shore safely with lessons learned and experiences gained :)

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