Friday, December 2, 2011

平凡 :)






虽然我被喷得整身都是粉,也被迫在冷冷的气候时洗澡,但我很感激有这帮朋友。你们在我平凡的生活里染上不同的颜色,把黑暗的一片慢慢,慢慢的掩盖,让我看到五彩的一面 :) 谢谢 :)

P.S.: 二十一岁了,但我脑袋还是空空的,不知道自己想要什么,朋友叫我许下愿望,我想了很久也想不到,肯定是 mind block了。可悲 :(

Perhaps you're wondering, why is this so called 'banana' girl using Chinese to type her entry? I'd been listening to lots of Chinese songs lately and I'm drawn to the wonders of Chinese language. One single word and it can mean a lot of things. I'm particularly impressed by those lyricist who wrote lots of nice and meaningful lyrics that blew my mind away. Somehow, I'm starting to use this language to express how I feel and it's not entirely that bad. I haven't been using Chinese for a long time so a bit karat already :P Hopefully I haven't lost touch of this wonderful language. Sorry to those Chinese experts if you have sore eyes after reading my Chinese :P

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