Saturday, January 11, 2014

Is it The Right Time to Grow Up?

Back to Paeds ward in Banting. 

Saw a little Indian girl who had been diagnosed with asthma. 

Sitting next to her was her 13-year-old brother. 

He might be young but I could see a brotherly + fatherly figure in him.

He was in a t-shirt and jeans but he had a serious look. He talked with a maturity which was beyond his age. He spoke fluently in English with confidence and certainty. I could have sworn that he's 18 instead. 

Then I found out the truth. Their father passed away 3 years back. His mother was busy juggling with job and being the eldest, the care of his sister ultimately went to him.

I felt proud of him of his ability to cope. Yet, I felt sad for him. At such a tender young age, he had to carry the weight of the burden and the responsibility. 

All the best, young boy. Pray for you and your sister. Hope that you'll do well. 

For once, the routine of presentation was broken. For once, with awe yet sorrow I said this "The history was obtained from the girl's 13-year-old elder brother who is one of the main caregiver..."

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