Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Apple...

This is a story of an apple which lives on a tree. It's not way up on top of the tree yet it's still not at the lowest bottom of the tree (at least it hopes so).

On the same tree, there lives lots of apples too. Red, juicy ones, green, sour ones, the just-nice ones, the big ones, the small ones... And of course, there are lots of branches too.

This apple lives at a particular part where there are lots of branches. Being on the tree for many years, it has gotten used of the branches and had learned how to look at its surrounding without letting the branches blocking its view. The branches are just too many and few will bother to look beyond them so this apple has always gone unnoticed. Of course, the apple was a little annoyed and disappointed at first but as time goes by, being invisible is something that it has mastered and it works well for the apple.

One year follows another, this apple has seen many fellows apples leaving the tree and went with the hands who picked them away. They went with joy. Some ended in loving hands who know the exact way of nurturing them and these apples ended up sweeter and better than before. Some got crushed and ended up being bitter. Some strong ones still remained the same or even better after the terrible weather they had been through. Some apples on the tree envy all the good apples and everyday, they long for a hand to take them away from this tree. Some of these place their faith in God's hands. Some are a little impatient and some are really desperate.

This apple remains neutral. It is happy for those sweet ones and sad for those who had to go through rough wind and heavy rain. Instead of dreaming for a good hand to come and find it, it prefers to stay still among the branches. Fellow apples asked 'why'. Passer-bys asked 'why'. Ya, why? Why make this weird decision? Doesn't the apple want happiness too?

The apple just smile. Why subject itself to uncertainties when it is contend with the way it is now? Why let people nurture it when it knows it is not an easy apple to nurture? Why gives itself so many hopes when the hopes can be crushed easily? There are too many apples better than it surrounding it so there's no point hoping. Hope is something great and the apple places all its hope into other things instead of a hand. At least, when it sees hands choosing their own apple, it won't get disappointed when the hands pick other better apples instead of it. Staying grounded is better since the apple won't start to think that there's a hand coming towards it when it's just some winds rustling. Besides, its surrounding are full of branches. No hands will want to ruin and hurting themselves by passing through all the branches.

Despite what the apple thinks, other apples deserve to be happy. Seeing other apples being nurtured well, it smiles and it is happy. Yes, the apple is truly happy with the way it is now. Besides, everything is in God's hands. If it's meant to be, it will happen. If it's not, it will not :)


Finish dreaming, now back to reality (books). I wonder how much I read will truly stick to my brain forever. Please stay in my brain, I need you all. Not only during exam but throughout my life in medical field. They are not just for exam purpose, my future patients (hopefully) need them more than I do. Praying hard now :)

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