Monday, May 14, 2012


Few weeks back, my cousin held his wedding lunch. I wanted to attend but I had exam during that time so I couldn't go back. 

Of course, few hours later, photos of the lunch were on facebook. I looked through and I saw all the smiles on the family's and my cousin's faces. Somehow, I hope I was there. I'd missed too many wedding lunch and dinner ever since I entered matriculation and subsequently university. 

When I met my sister, I asked her about the wedding. Apparently, my cousin who has a DSLR and who is a avid photographer went around and busied himself with photo-taking. After all that, he only had this comment on the wedding: 'It's sad. It seems like the newly-weds are not blessed at all even by their own family members.'  

People always say, a picture paints a thousand words. In some scenarios, it's true. But does it apply all the time? I was and still am not very fond of photography. For me, a photo does not mean anything. Everyone smiles but are they really happy? Just like the wedding lunch, everyone smiles at the camera, everyone looks radiant in pretty clothes but are they really happy? Do they really want to be there at the wedding? Do they bless the newly-weds? Are they really happy about the marriage? I can imagine them smiling at the camera but giving all sorts of comments during the wedding about the newly-weds. 

Photos also brings about disappointment. People like to see breathtaking photos of scenery. Even me. But when you're really there at the exact same place, will it be as beautiful as what you saw in the photos? I'd seen beautifully-taken photos of Malacca and it took my breath away. I even wish I was there but I'd been  to those places before and I know that the places don't look like those photos at all. 

People tend to judge things by what they appear to be but more often than not, things are not that way. You'll never know what hides behind a smile, a hug, a frown, a tear. You'll never know unless you're a mind-reader. Photos may paint a thousand words but those are words which are like the tip of an iceberg, you'll never know what is hidden under the deep sea. 

Never judge a book by its cover, it's misleading.

邓福如-Where is the Love?

好有感觉的一首歌 :)

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