Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The title says it all.

Ok. Maybe not all.

Some said that being a girl has its own privilege as you can have mood swings and no one will blame you for that. As nice as it sounds, the feeling sucks. It's so horrible. You just feel like you're the worst person in the entire world and maybe the stupidest as well. All the haywire hormones just make your mood go down and down as if you're falling from a sky-high cliff. Sigh...

Mood swing + Hot weather + Brain hyper-resonance = :( + Self doubt

I'm just not as good as people think I am. 1 month plus and I still don't know anything at all. Knowledge: 0, Examination skills: 0.

Do I even have what it takes to achieve what I want to do? I really want this but why do I have a feeling I'll fail badly?


I should stop whining. Like Dr Chong said, crying is not going to help at all.

Finally, a rain came and washed away all the heat. Thank God :)

:( :( :(

分享这首歌没什么特别的原因,只是觉得很好听,尤其是静茹的歌声 :)

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