Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sincerity :)

Were clerking a patient a few hours back.

While waiting for the patient to finish talking to somebody over the phone, we flipped through the file to see whether any investigations had been done.

Halfway through, a patient's family member (A) came and we had a brief conversation:

A: So all of you are medical students?
We: Yes.
A: Ah... Then you'll be earning lots of money in 10 years time. *cheeky face*
We: *giggled*
A: True right?
We: *giggled louder*
A: Money is one thing. Don't forget to be sincere in treating patients. For us, God comes first and doctor comes second. In terms of illness, we rely on you and put our trust in you. Please don't forget to be sincere even with the large amount of money you have.

Thanks Uncle A :) Thanks for reminding me of sincerity as this can be easily forgotten in the midst of stress and busy life. I'll keep this in mind for as long as I can. Thanks a lot :)

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