Monday, March 10, 2014


One party is relieved by the timing of the incident. The other is all tied-up because of this incident. However, when it comes to disaster or catastrophe, is there such a thing as good or bad timing? 

Everyone is edgy, no matter one is involved or not. Sooner or later, when the edginess gets to one, one either faces it calmly or converts it to anger. And that's when everyone starts blaming everyone, rumours are being spread like forest-fire and one just follows blindly without thinking twice or giving any thoughts. 

In times like this, be it skin colour, religion, race, nationality or political differences, unity is what will give us strength and comfort. 

Why don't we all just keep the finger to ourselves, put our hands together and say a prayer? Worst case scenario is to be expected but hopes and miracles are what we can hope and pray for. In the least, a comfort for the hurt and injured soul. No more speculations, assumptions and bad-mouthing as these do no good but inviting more hurt to those who are already grieving. 

Hope is a powerful thing, no matter how thin or how faint it is. Don't crush it with your inconsideration. 

Pray for MH370. 

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