Monday, March 17, 2014


I wish I were prettier, thinner, happier, more friendly, less emotional, more tan (fairer actually), more confident, and a little less awkward.

Saw this on twitter. Ouch...

Anyway, what I'd learned from recent events: Words are powerful tools, it can be used to build or destroy. Please be more considerate and ethical. 

We vaccinate for a reason. Thx to ANTI-VAX grp, now New York has outbreak of MEASLES wic considered eliminated long back. #measles #NYC

How words spread and cause fear for vaccination and endanger our children. Besides, it's a campaign run by celebrity and it's sad that people would rather listen to her and think that the heath care team are all trying to dig money out of people's pocket. You say that vaccinations are harmful but how often it is that you hear of complications? Sure, children grow up just fine without it but what if infections start to spread? Do you mind reading on herd immunity? We have a chance to help the vulnerable lots defend themselves from these disease but you'll not allow us to do so. It's not just a normal cough or cold, it's something which can kill our children. Even if it did not happen, they will be left with terrible sequelae. Is that how you protect your children? 

And there's another write-up on The Time saying that ADHD does not exist and people become reliant with the stimulants. Thanks for making people think that psychiatrists are making up diagnosis for our children. Some children do need help and it's unfair for adults to belief in words blindly and deprive our children of the chance of sorting out their issues so that they can make full use of their potential. And, oh, no, people don't consult the psychiatrist when they read the article because, as I'd pointed out, doctors are all conn men full of selfish self interest. 

Oh, you heard about the incident in which the mother passed away due to an eventful home birth? Some people are good in words and are very persuasive. It's so persuasive until one fall into their ripples of thoughts and close their heart and minds towards other advices. Everyone wants "natural". Fair enough, births are usually uneventful. But can we ever predict when will things go wrong?

Once upon a time, children passed away due to infectious disease. Once upon a time, happily pregnant mothers passed away due to birth complications. People identified these issues, studied these problems, found solutions for these avoidable deaths. However, looking at recent events, people seem to be moving backward in time by doubting all treatments and interventions and claiming physicians as money-centered who will do anything for money.   

Seeing all the articles being shared around on social network, especially those who are not in the medical field, seeing all the comments written to support these articles, seeing how they shared their bad experience in health care, seeing how they refute all the treatments and interventions, my heart really bleed. 

Arrrggghhh, I really must take a break from writing. How irony it is that whenever I'm focusing on my studies, words keep on flowing and forming sentences in my mind... Focus, focus, it's already the 2nd week... 

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